Categories: Writing a Eulogy

How to Write a Eulogy for Your Father

Writing a eulogy can be a humbling experience, and will allow you to really cherish those memories that had with your deceased father. Think of a eulogy as not only a remembrance speech of your father, but also as a way to share the beauty of your father’s life with those who are closest to you. Let’s take a look at some tips and strategies that you can use when learning how to write a eulogy for your father.

1. Speak With the Funeral Director Beforehand
A funeral director will be able to go over the funeral process with you, as well as prepare you for when you’ll need to be ready to deliver your eulogy speech.

2. Find and Write Down Your Most Precious Memories with Your Father
This can include stories and memories that you shared with your father, as well as those memories that he had with colleagues and friends. To come up with ideas, interview family members and friends of your father. Try to come up with a general consensus of what people thought about him.

3. Make Your Eulogy Flow
A good eulogy is one that flows naturally, and that doesn’t bounce around from timeline to timeline. When creating your speech, capture all of the positive traits of your father, and divide the speech into several sections including: work, family members, honors, passions, and friends. Organization is the key to a good remembrance speech.

4. Make Sure to Thank Everyone for Coming
This might only be a minor detail, but it’s an important one. In your eulogy, make sure that you acknowledge everyone who showed up to your father’s funeral and/or memorial service.

5. Bullet Points vs. Paragraphs – How Can You Know Which One to Choose?
If you’re someone who speaks better when reading from bullet points or an outline then by all means feel free to use this method. However, if you’re a nervous speaker who needs guidance then write out a complete script and simply follow it word to word. Place trust in your eulogy and know that this is going to not only help you remember your father but also help with the healing process.
